― James Allen
The statement, “you become what you think about”…reminds us that our thoughts affect who we are…and it also points out the connection between what we think and what we become.
This understanding is both enhanced and magnified once you combine it with the Law of Exposure.
The Law of Exposure tells us that our minds think about, process and attract whatever it is most frequently exposed too.
This performance law is fueled by the following understandings:
1. What enters your mind repeatedly, first occupies your mind, and then eventually shapes both your perception and your reality.
2. Your mind will absorb and then it will reflect whatever it gets repeatedly exposed to.
3. The events you attend…materials you read…music you listen to…images you watch…conversations you hold…friends you hang out with and daydreams you entertain — all of these are right now shaping your mind, then your character, and eventually your future.
4. The environment where you live and work, along with the behavior demonstrated by parents and authority figures…as well as the standards and expectations that are enforced or unenforced create patterns of thinking which liberate or debilitate your mind.
5. You expose people to your behavior every single day, and as a result you either make deposits or withdrawals into their psychological bank account.
I’d like you to consider a few questions as it relates to the Law of Exposure…
What am I currently exposing my mind to on a daily basis?
What impact is that exposure having on my performance, on my reputation and on my quality of life?
What should I be exposing my mind to on a daily basis?
What am I exposing other people to when they look at my behavior?
What steps should I take to ensure that I am exposed to better people, better places, behaviors and results?
What indecencies should I no longer be exposing my mind to?
So, now let’s turn our attention and focus on why I titled this program Indecent Exposure.
Indecent exposure is the deliberate exposure by a person or a portion of his or her own body that is likely to be seen as vulgar, offensive, and contrary to accepted standards of decency.
As it relates to your personal and your professional performance…this is the part that I want to focus in on.
Indecent exposure consists of anything that pollutes…contaminates and corrupts your mind, body or soul.
So let me provide you with a short list.
• Excuses
• Junk food
• Self-Pity
• Violence
• Lack of Integrity
• Inconsistency
• Apathy
• Lying
• Sarcasm
• Gossip
• Procrastination
• Anger
• Jealousy
• Mediocrity
• Fear
• Worry
• Prejudice
• Dumbed Down Television
• Stupid Social Media Videos
• Obscene Music
• Pornography
• Vulgar Language and Behavior
Far too many people are allowing themselves to be OVER-EXPOSED to these types of behavioral indecencies which in turn negatively impact their results, their relationships, their reputation…and their future.
It absolutely amazes me to see how many people think that they can live as they want…that they can willingly expose their beautiful mind to such trash…and that they can avoid this law of exposure and self-abuse…that somehow they really think that they are the exception to the rule.
These people think that they can be read anything they want and it won’t affect them.
They actually believe that they can listen to nasty music, watch violent programming, hang out with stupid people and think that it won’t have any negative effect on their future. What a joke.
This type of behavior is completely nuts!
It might very well be one of the greatest ironies ever…
At a time when all the world’s knowledge in just one click away, when immediate access to all that is good, that’s positive, uplifting and transformative is yours to be had, and most of it for free…the sad reality is that more people today suffer from a poverty of information, a scarcity of ideas, and a deficiency of inspiration, imagination and initiative MORE than they suffer from the absence of money or honest, legal opportunity in order to get it.
Your output depends on your input. Therefore, you must be intentional by protecting, by nurturing and defending what enters your melon.
The 100 Day Challenge is a rapid execution system used by more than 675,000 high-achievers to achieve life-changing results in 100 days. Don’t do it unless you want spectacular results.
The strategies you’ll learn in the 100 Day Challenge have elected a president, grown non-profit causes, won gold medals and fueled movements. Now it’s your turn to win bigger faster!